Wisdom tooth; is the third molar tooth that emerges in total, usually between the ages of 16-25, at the end of both sides of the jaw, and is the last tooth to emerge in the mouth.

What Causes Wisdom Tooth Pain?

When the wisdom tooth cannot find a place in the jaw that narrows over time, it can resort to many ways to make room for itself.

One of these will initiate physiological inflammation in order to pierce the bone blocking the wisdom tooth, and if successful, it will put serious pressure on your other teeth and cause their displacement, that is, crowding, which will cause severe pain. To prevent inflammation, it is necessary to use antibiotics (Augmentin 1000 mg). The antibiotic will show its effect after the 2nd day. After the inflammation is healed, you should definitely go to the dentist.

Another thing is that impacted wisdom teeth cause the formation of cysts and tumors. In order to avoid falling into this situation and being exposed to advanced surgical interventions, it should be carefully evaluated by both follow ups and x-rays.

Should Wisdom Teeth Be Extracted?

If the conditions mentioned above are present, yes, wisdom teeth should be extracted. In addition, in cases where the wisdom tooth has decay and is incompatible with the treatment of the patient receiving orthodontic treatment, it must be removed.

Can a Wisdom Teeth That Doesn’t Pain Cause Problems?

Any wisdom tooth that appears painlessly and properly should never be removed. Its disadvantage is that cleaning the mouth requires a little more care since it is located at the very back.

So What Should Be Done After Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

After wisdom tooth extraction, the tampon given by the dentist is bitten for 20-30 minutes. The purpose of this is to ensure coagulation of the blood formation in the wound. This is one of the most important factors in the wound healing process. Bleeding in the form of leakage will continue after removing the tampon. This bleeding in the form of leakage is called passive bleeding.

Absolutely no eating or drinking is allowed until the numbness in the mouth subsides. In addition, eating and drinking hot food and beverages is strictly prohibited for at least 36 hours.

Swelling and bruising may occur on the face. In order to reduce this, cold compresses can be applied externally to the operation area for up to 6 hours. You can apply cold compresses every 15 minutes, resting for 5 minutes in between.

Exercising should be avoided for at least 48 hours. Otherwise, accelerated blood circulation will cause the wound to open. In addition, smoking should be avoided for at least 48 hours.

If stitches have been placed, cleaning should not be done with materials such as toothbrushes or toothpicks.

Hard foods, nuts, etc. should not be consumed for 1 week. And again, it is beneficial not to use the side where the wisdom tooth was extracted for 1 week.

Finally, after the extraction, it is necessary to exactly follow the prescription given by the doctor.